
news/2025/2/25 4:36:18

ribs 排骨 he broke a few ribs in the accident
we had barbecued ribs for dinner 我们晚餐吃了排骨烤排骨
The ribs of the umbrella are made of metal

pan 平底锅
I used a pan to fry the eggs
烤盘 Put the cake pan in the oven 把蛋糕烤盘放到烤箱

French culture is rich and diverse 法国文化丰富多样
deept fat 表示 用于油炸食物的 足量的油
Deep fat frying is a common method to make French fries crispy 用深油炸是使薯条变脆的常用方法
The deep fat fryer can heat the oil to the right temperature quickly 这个油炸锅你能快速将油加热到合适的温度
Fry the chicken pieces in deep fat until they are golden brown 把鸡块放入到深油中炸,直到变成金黄色

flour mixture 面粉混合物
Gradually add the liquid to the flour mixture and stir until well combined.逐渐把液体加入到面粉混合物中并搅拌至混合

batter 面糊
She poured the batter into the cake pan 她把面糊倒进蛋糕烤盘里
stick tender 表示 将肉类或蔬菜 弄的很嫩
Cook the ribs until they’re stick tender 把排骨煮到签子一撮就很嫩的程度

mustard seed 芥菜籽
mustard oil 芥菜油
mustard sauce 芥菜酱油
mayonnaise 蛋黄酱

parboil 煮xxx到半熟
Parboil the potatoes for 10 minutes 把土豆煮至半熟
syllable 音节
popcorn chicken 鸡米花
dip the batter,roll in。。。
muddy carrot 泥泞的胡萝卜,it’s so muddy 太泥泞了
I can’t even tell it’s orange 我都看不出是橙色的
turn on the tap 打开水龙头
rub the mud off the carrot 把胡萝卜上的泥搓掉,it might take a while 这可能需要一会
rinse the carrot 把胡萝卜冲洗下
great passion for doing handicrafts 做手工艺品
I’ve practiced storytelling over 20 times
seize every opportunity
give presentations in english
all these efforts 所有的这些努力
interpretations 解释
use mind maps to organize language to talk about 可以用思维导图组织语言
encyclopedic knowledge 百科知识
bedtime story 睡前故事
muddy potato with worms 有虫子的泥土豆
he is the eldest 年纪最大的
scholl uniform are disgusting 学校校服真恶心
crush them into pieces 将他们粉碎成碎片
throw them into the trash can 扔进垃圾桶
they’ll be gone forever and ever and ever
handbar 车把 bell brakes 刹车 wheel 轮子 pedal 踏板 step on the pedal hard 用力踩踏板
go forward向前走
dices 骰子
lid 盖子 ,眼睑
put the lid on the jar 把盖子盖在罐子上
She has long lashes on her lids 她眼睛傻姑娘油长长的睫毛
the lid of the piano
stick decorations on the wall 在墙上贴上装饰品
ocean themed decorations 海洋主题的装饰品
hamper 篮子
garlic sprout 蒜苗
porridge 粥 congee
brazil 巴西
spain 西班牙
ukraine 乌克兰
underpass 地下通道
uunderground passage = underpass
pedestrain 步行者
Two pedestrains were injured in the accident
This year’s sales figures surpass last year’s
Her talent surpasses that of most of her peers.他的才华胜过大多数同龄人
I need to find someone whose ability is on par with yours.
we are a married couple 我们是夫妻
grilled fish roasted fishbarbecued fish ==baked fish
spicy touf and grilled fish 麻辣豆花烤鱼
clap one’s hands 鼓掌
on weekdays 在工作日
on weekends 在周末
We often hang out in the park on weekends
晾晒衣服 Hang out the washing to dry
instrument 乐器
wipe my own tears when I’m crying
no more isolation 不在被孤立
no more overthinking 不再过度思考,不再胡思乱想
no more dwelling 不再细想,不总是老想着
sincerely 真诚地 I sincerely hope you can recover soon真诚希望你尽快康复
scam 欺骗
it’s a complete scam,They took my money and didn’t deliver
scam sb out of sth 骗去某人某物
He was scammed out of his life saving 被骗了终身急需
overpriced english 过高的英语
fantastic cartoon 很棒的动画片
entertaining cartoon 很有意思的动画片
this cartoon shows mischief they get up to 这个动画片展示了他们搞出的各种恶作剧
the children were up to all sorts of mischief 孩子们在搞各种各样的恶作剧
get up to mischief 调皮捣蛋,搞恶作剧
reduce the tension or unfamiliarity 减轻紧张感
打破尴尬break awkward silence and shyness 腼腆
icebreaker 破冰者warm up the chat among new members
icebreakers used to welcome attendees and warm up the chat among new members in a meeting
Everyone was quite in the hall 门厅,走廊until she broke the ice by cracking a joke. 讲一个笑话
at a formal meeting
I complimented her, “your cute smile did a lot to break the ice”
Can America and Russia break the ice after years of chilly relations? 冷淡的关系
The talks were supposed to break the ice in their relations.
The handshake is a universal sign 通用的标志 of greeting,used to break the ice with strangers.
If there are universal signs of economic decline,we need to take measures.
feel contrived 感觉很做作,不自然
new joiners find it easy to settle in due to these activities --settle in 适应新环境
when you move to a new place,it takes some time to settle in
Use icebreakers to kick thing off–ask participants to introduce
boost your confidence
ace the job interview 出色的通过工作面试
with thorough preparation,he managed to ace the job interview经过充分的准备,他成功出色地通过了工作面试
confessed and got rejected 告白被拒绝
how embarrassing 多么尴尬
poisoned 中毒的
sour 酸的,味道变酸 the milk has gone sour
acidic 酸性的,酸的,尖酸的 bases 表示基地,也表示碱
acidic substances can react with bases 酸性物质可以喝碱发生反应

fraud scam 都表示欺骗




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